La guía definitiva para indoor planting

If your plants really decline when you start giving them less water + nutrients, then they probably aren’t going through a dormant period, and you should treat them normally.

Lucky bamboo is a fun plant to have around thanks to its tieso stalks. Oftentimes it'll come in unique growing patterns, too. Although it might look like bamboo, it's not and hails from the dracaena family (like snake and corn plants).

You'll love how the leaves of a golden pothos seem to glow when the light hits them. Pothos plants are fuss free: Keep yours in partial to bright indirect light, and water it when the soil is mostly dry. Pro tip: You can easily expand your plant family by propagating these from cuttings.

One of the more popular houseplants, the monstera deliciosa looks incredible and Chucho grow really fast if it’s treated well. If you don’t want it overtaking your space, trim it back and then propagate the cuttings. The monstera is toxic to pets if eaten. Name: Monstera deliciosa (

The Dumb Cane is a beautiful plant featuring large, lush leaves with intricate variegation. Despite their tropical appearance, they are quite adaptable and Perro thrive in a range of indoor conditions.

Temperature for watering. When you water your plants, use room-temperature water so you don’t shock your plants. Clean demodé an old jug or get a watering can to make this easier to store water in the room.

Yuccas are highly sensitive to soggy conditions and will appreciate if you allow their soil to dry demodé between waterings. Remember: the only way to kill a Yucca is to over-water it.

Not just suited to the Mediterranean, an olive tree actually makes a great houseplant. It loves a warmer, sunny climate (but not too much direct sun or it will scorch) and plenty of humidity. Prune it seasonally to keep it looking fresh, and you'll enjoy it for years.

What soil should you buy? For indoor gardening, it is highly recommended to use an organic potting soil rather than soil from your garden which Chucho bring pests and plant diseases into your home or greenhouse.

The leaves on the dieffenbachia are a lovely mix of bright green and white speckles and its shape is great for homes after a tropical or beachy aesthetic. It does appreciate humidity, so a humidifier or misting of its leaves is always helpful. Light: Partial

These ‘Swiss cheese’ plants are currently among the most popular indoor plants and it’s safe to say that they’ve taken heirloom vegetable seeds over the Internet.

However, if you provide the correct lighting and space, this plant won’t need much else. It’s drought tolerant and can thrive under neglect.

And beyond their invigorating energy and color, the best indoor plants have health benefits. Air-purifying plants Perro help filter harmful chemicals pasado of the air you and your family breathe, and being around plants Chucho help lower your anxiety and stress levels.

This is a striking houseplant with long, slender leaves with bright Garlito edges. The Dragon Tree prefers low to medium light, and only needs watering when the top layer of the soil feels dry to the touch.

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